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Canadian Tour #8B – Specialized Tours

from 550,00

Canada was a full partner in the success of the Allied landings in Normandy.

Determined to end four years of often-brutal German occupation, on 6 June 1944, Allied forces invaded Western Europe along an 80-kilometre front in Normandy, France. Of the nearly 150,000 Allied troops who landed or parachuted into the invasion area, 14,000 were Canadians. They assaulted a beachfront code-named “Juno”, while Canadian paratroopers landed just east of the assault beaches. Although the Allies encountered German defences bristling with artillery, machine guns, mines, and booby-traps, the invasion was a success.

Other Canadians helped achieve this victory. The Royal Canadian Navy contributed 110 ships and 10,000 sailors in support of the landings while the R.C.A.F. had helped prepare the invasion by bombing targets inland. On D- Day and during the ensuing campaign, 15 R.C.A.F. fighter and fighter-bomber squadrons helped control the skies over Normandy and attacked enemy targets. On D-Day, Canadians suffered 1074 casualties, including 359 killed.

If you are from Canada or if you have an interest in this sector, we are now offering a full day private tour covering the Canadian sector. The itinerary outlined here is a sample itinerary and it can be adapted to your interests.

A personalized tour is a wonderful opportunity for any visitor to custom design their tour of the Invasion areas. With the help of our expertise and our knowledge of the many languages involved, we can assist you in customizing and pre-planning your personalized tour!

Our private tours can be booked all year round, unlike our group tours that only run from March to October.


A private tour is ideal if you wish to :

  • customize your tour and include sites that are not on our group tours.
  • plan a family holiday, with children and/or senior citizens. need the flexibility of hotel pick-up.
  • want to enjoy a more leisurely pace.
  • select timings that are more suitable to your holiday schedule.
  • enjoy your privacy and the exclusive use of our guide’s knowledge.
  • trace the exact footsteps of a relative who has participated in the D-Day events.
  • obtain from us, through research, in depth information about a unit or find a grave site/battlefield that you are unsure about.

A usual private tour runs from 8.30am with pick-up at your hotel in Bayeux or vicinity (further location can be priced accordingly) or a RDV point, such as a car park, if you are coming from another location by car.

It ends at 5.30/6pm and again, your guide would drop you at your chosen destination, as defined during your booking. Timings can be modified within these hours, to suit your plans.

You discuss and validate the feasibility of the itinerary with our booking administrator.

We allocate a guide who has expertise in the area of your choice.

We allocate car/booster seats for children.

Your Personalized Tour can be for a day or more, without any restriction of distance. Because of the flexibility in this tour, it would be impossible for us to list the number of possibilities in tour site combinations that await you.



These prices are for 1 day from 8.30am to 5.30/6pm, inclusive of 125 miles (200 kms)

This distance is equivalent to one of our regular group tour, namely a full day on one of the D-Day sectors.

Your personalized tour enables you to « mix and match », within these hours.

Our booking administrator will check feasibility in time and distance, during the booking process.

For any special itinerary we would be delighted to issue a customized quote to match your request.


1 to 4 people 590 Euros

5 to 6 people 650 Euros

7 to 8 people 750 Euros

Prices above are for the tour, not per person.

Even if you decide to shorten the time allocated for the tour the price would remain the same.

Our fees do not include your lunch, accommodation or entrance fees to museums if you choose to visit one.

Are included: all taxes and charges, 125 miles (200 kms) – Specific quotes will be sent outside this range.

…Pick you up…

…at the Rail Station, …at the Airport, …at the Harbour, …in Paris.

Personalized Tour is a wonderful way for any visitor to custom design their tour of the Invasion areas. With the help of the expertise of OVERLORDTOUR, and our knowledge of the many languages involved, we will assist you in customizing and pre-planning your personalized tour! Our company will cater to your every need, from pick up at any of our airports and coastal harbors, to delivery at your hotel; you will be guided by our expertise. Your Personalized Tour can be for a day or more, without any restriction of distance. Round trip Day trips from Paris, are also possible, if you desire. We also cater to the handicapped, and they are invited to customize the length and extent of their tours as well, and adjust them to their physical capabilities. Because of the unlimited flexibility in this tour, it is not possible to raise an exhaustive list of sites to be visited -the sky is the limit! We are always at the disposal of our customers, and their limitless ideas of discoveries.

MORNING: Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer, Tailleville, Berniè­res-sur-Mer, Courseu­lles-East, Courseull­es-West

AFTERNOON: Juno Beach Centre, Hell’s Corner (Villons-les-­Buissons, Buron & Au­thie), Ardennes Abbe­y, (Castle of Thaon, if enough time) Bény-sur-­Mer War Cemetery

  • Hours 8.20 AM
    6.00 PM
  • Number of spots
All about the Canadian Tour #8B – Specialized Tours.

A personalized tour is a wonderful for any visitor to custom design their tour of the Invasion areas. With the help of our expertise and our knowledge of the many languages involved, we can assist you in customizing and pre-planning your personalized tour!
Our private tours can be booked all year round, unlike our group tours that only run from March to October.
“Tour #8” is only our internal code for a private tour. Its itinerary is not defined.
It can be based on one of our regular group tour or be customized to your interests.

The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
Whats not included in this tour.Items that are included in the cost of tour price.

Our fees do not include your lunch, accommodation, entrance fees to museums if you choose to visit one.

  1. Spot 1 Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer

    The village of Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer were defended by a large anti-tank wall and the Wn 27 strongpoint armed by soldiers of the 5th company (commanded by the Hauptmann – captain – Rudolf Gruter) Grenadier-Regiment 736, (716. Infantry Division). The Wn 28 strongpoint consists of a 50 mm anti-tank gun casemate that flanks both ends of the strike. The Canadians of the 3rd Infantry Division were responsible for disembarking on Juno Beach on D-Day. It is the 8th brigade of the division which receives as mission to seize Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer after having landed on the sector “Nan Red”. The North Shore Regiment commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel D. B. Buell formed the first wave of assault, supported by the 10th Canadian Armored Regiment (The Fort Garry Horse).

  2. Spot 2 Tailleville

    The commune of Tailleville in Calvados was occupied in 1944 by the command post of the second battalion of the Grenadier-Regiment 736 (716. Infanterie-Division) under the command of Hauptmann (captain) Deptolla. The Germans were installed at the fortified Wn 23 strongpoint located at the castle of Tailleville. Its defensive system, armed by the 8th company commanded by Hauptmann Johann Grzeski, consists of an extensive network of trenches, tunnels and several Tobruks equipped with machine guns. On June 6, 1944, the Tailleville area was one of the objectives of the North Shore Regiment (8th Infantry Brigade). The soldiers of Company C of Major Daughney reach the outskirts of Tailleville in the early afternoon and are greeted by a particularly violent fire. The 8th Company opposes Grenadier-Regiment 736 a fierce resistance. The North Shore Regiment is supported by thirteen tanks of the 10th Cavalry Regiment Fort Garry Horse (2nd Armored Brigade). The fighting continued until nightfall before the German position finally fell into the hands of the Allies: 34 Canadian soldiers were killed and 90 wounded during the liberation of Tailleville.

  3. Spot 3 Bernières-sur-Mer

    The village of Bernières-sur-Mer were defended by a large anti-tank wall and by the strongpoint coded Wn 28 armed by soldiers of the 5th company (commanded by the Hauptmann Rudolf Gruter) of the Grenadier-Regiment 736, (716. infantry Division). The Wn 28 consists of a dozen shelters and several casemates for artillery pieces (including a 50 mm anti-tank gun). It was the 8th brigade of the division which received the mission to seize Bernières-sur-Mer after landing in the "Nan White" sector. The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada regiment formed the first wave of assault, supported by tanks from the 10th Canadian Armoured Regiment (The Fort Garry Horse).

  4. Spot 4 Courseulles-sur-Mer

    Courseulles-sur-Mer, Nan Green, is the spot where a DD tank lies as a tribute to Canadian tank units which landed on D-Day. This Sherman tank spent some 27 years in the salted water as it sunk on D-Day and was recovered by the REME in 1971. Here the Regina Rifles Regiment and tanks of the first Hussars landed.

  5. Spot 5 Juno Beach Centre

    Juno Beach centre is standing out at Courseulles-sur-Mer, this contemporary museum was built in the shape of a maple leaf. This reference to one of Canada’s national emblems indicates clearly how this place is largely dedicated to Canadian efforts on D-Day. Note, however, that coverage extends beyond D-Day, to Canadian involvement throughout World War II.

  6. Spot 6 Hell's Corner

    After failing to take Carpiquet as their D-day objective, the 9th Brigade resumed their attack early on June 7th and at first advanced well, despite a few skirmishes, through Villons-les-Buissons and Buron, and reached Authie around midday. All of a sudden, the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 25th Regiment of Panzer Grenadiers of 12th SS Division attacked violently. The onslaught was terrible and the forward troops of the Canadian brigade were decimated or captured. The rear of the brigade managed to retreat , with the SS to their pursuit. Buron was taken back by the Germans and Villons just about to also be, when the Allied naval artillery opened fire on the SS attackers who were then forced back. The Canadian troops started to dig in around Villons and the frontline remained unchanged here until July 7th. Nicknamed "Hell's Corner" by the Canadian soldiers because it was located where German shells continued to fall during one month, in order to prevent them from advancing.

  7. Spot 7 Ardennes Abbey

    Beautiful Norman abbey from the 12th century, privately owned and partly used as a farm at the time by the Vico family (the father Roland and his sons Jacques and Jean-Marie were active Resistants). Unfortunately taken over on June 7 by Colonel Kurt Meyer’s 25th Regiment of the 12th SS Hitler’s Youth Panzer Division, as church towers were an excellent vantage point. A number of their Canadian prisoners were brought here and executed on June 7th and 8th in the back garden. The abbey was only liberated on July 8 as the Canadians were reaching the city of Caen. In 1945 Meyer was tried by Canadian Military Court and found guilty of war crimes.

  8. Spot 8 Bény-sur-Mer War Cemetery

    The Allied offensive in north-western Europe began with the Normandy landings of 6 June 1944. Many of those buried in Beny-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery were men of the 3rd Canadian Division who died either on 6 June or during the early days of the advance towards Caen, when the Division engaged a German battle group formed from the 716th Division and the 21st Panzer Division. The cemetery, designed by P.D. Hepworth, contains 2,048 Second World War burials, the majority Canadian, and 19 of them unidentified.

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